numerical-collection-cpp 0.10.0
A collection of algorithms in numerical analysis implemented in C++
No Matches
Here is a list of all documented concepts with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 Nnum_collectNamespace of num_collect source codes
 NbaseNamespace of definitions common in this project
 NconceptsNamespace of C++ concepts
 NconceptsNamespace of C++ concepts
 NimplNamespace of internal implementations
 Rassertion_conditionConcept of types usable as conditions in assertions
 Rconst_reference_ofConcept of constant references
 Rconvertible_toConcept of types convertible from the given type
 Rdecayed_toConcept of same types
 Rdense_matrixConcept of Eigen's dense matrices
 Rdense_matrix_ofConcept of Eigen's dense matrices with scalars of the given type
 Rdense_vectorConcept of Eigen's dense vectors
 Rdense_vector_ofConcept of Eigen's dense vectors with scalars of the given type
 Reigen_solver_ofConcept of Eigen's solvers of linear equations
 RformattableConcept of types formattable using fmt library
 Rimplicitly_convertible_toConcept of types implicitly convertible from the given type
 RintegralConcept of integers
 RinvocableConcept of functions invocable with given arguments
 Rinvocable_asConcept of functions invocable as a function with the given signature
 Riterative_solverConcept of iterative solvers
 Rreal_scalarConcept of real scalars
 Rreal_scalar_dense_matrixConcept of Eigen's dense matrices with real scalars
 Rreal_scalar_dense_vectorConcept of Eigen's dense vectors with real scalars
 Rreal_scalar_sparse_matrixConcept of Eigen's sparse matrices with real scalars
 Rreference_ofConcept of references
 Rsame_asConcept of same types
 Rsigned_integralConcept of signed integers
 Rsparse_matrixConcept of sparse matrices
 Rsparse_matrix_ofConcept of Eigen's sparse matrices with scalars of the given type
 NloggingNamespace of logging
 NconceptsNamespace of C++ concepts
 NodeNamespace of solvers of ordinary differential equations (ODE)
 NconceptsNamespace of C++ concepts
 NoptNamespace of optimization algorithms
 NconceptsNamespace of C++ concepts
 NrbfNamespace of RBF interpolation
 NconceptsNamespace of C++ concepts
 NregularizationNamespace of regularization algorithms
 NconceptsNamespace of C++ concepts
 NrootsNamespace of root-finding algorithms
 NconceptsNamespace of C++ concepts
 NutilNamespace of utilities
 NconceptsNamespace of C++ concepts