25#include <Eigen/Householder>
51template <base::concepts::dense_matrix Coeff, base::concepts::dense_matrix Data>
66 static_assert(std::is_same_v<
typename coeff_type::Scalar,
67 typename data_type::Scalar>);
68 static_assert(data_type::RowsAtCompileTime == Eigen::Dynamic);
88 "The number of rows in the coefficient matrix must match the "
89 "number of rows in data.");
92 "The number of columns in the coefficient matrix must match the "
93 "number of columns in the coefficient matrix of the regularization "
97 "Coefficient matrix for the regularization term must have rows "
98 "less than columns.");
106 Eigen::ColPivHouseholderQR<coeff_type> qr_reg_adj;
107 qr_reg_adj.compute(reg_coeff.adjoint());
109 this->logger(),
"reg_coeff must have full row rank.");
110 const coeff_type v = qr_reg_adj.householderQ();
112 Eigen::ColPivHouseholderQR<coeff_type> qr_coeff_v2;
113 qr_coeff_v2.compute(coeff * v.rightCols(n - p));
116 "reg_coeff and coeff must not have common elements "
117 "other than zero in their kernel.");
118 const coeff_type q = qr_coeff_v2.householderQ();
121 qr_reg_adj.solve(coeff.adjoint() * q.rightCols(m - n + p))
123 const data_type data_arr = q.rightCols(m - n + p).adjoint() * data;
126 const coeff_type coeff_v2_inv_coeff = qr_coeff_v2.solve(coeff);
127 const coeff_type i_minus_v2_coeff_v2_inv_coeff =
128 coeff_type::Identity(n, n) -
129 v.rightCols(n - p) * coeff_v2_inv_coeff;
131 qr_reg_adj.solve(i_minus_v2_coeff_v2_inv_coeff.adjoint()).adjoint();
133 const data_type coeff_v2_inv_data = qr_coeff_v2.solve(data);
140 tikhonov_.solve(param, tikhonov_solution);
164 return tikhonov_.regularization_term(param);
170 return tikhonov_.first_derivative_of_residual_norm(param);
176 return tikhonov_.first_derivative_of_regularization_term(param);
182 return tikhonov_.second_derivative_of_residual_norm(param);
188 return tikhonov_.second_derivative_of_regularization_term(param);
194 return tikhonov_.sum_of_filter_factor(param);
Definition of assertion macros.
Class of tags of logs without memory management.
explicit_regularized_solver_base(logging::log_tag_view tag)
Data offset_actual_solution_
Offset vector to calculate actual solution.
auto second_derivative_of_regularization_term(const scalar_type ¶m) const -> scalar_type
Calculate the send-order derivative of the Regularization term.
auto sum_of_filter_factor(const scalar_type ¶m) const -> scalar_type
Calculate the sum of filter factors.
auto first_derivative_of_residual_norm(const scalar_type ¶m) const -> scalar_type
Calculate the first-order derivative of the squared norm of the residual.
tikhonov< coeff_type, data_type > tikhonov_
Object to perform Tikhonov regularization.
auto regularization_term(const scalar_type ¶m) const -> scalar_type
Calculate the regularization term.
void solve(const scalar_type ¶m, data_type &solution) const
Solve for a regularization parameter.
auto residual_norm(const scalar_type ¶m) const -> scalar_type
Calculate the squared norm of the residual.
void compute(const coeff_type &coeff, const data_type &data, const coeff_type ®_coeff)
Compute internal matrices.
Coeff coeff_type
Type of coefficient matrices.
auto first_derivative_of_regularization_term(const scalar_type ¶m) const -> scalar_type
Calculate the first-order derivative of the Regularization term.
auto data_size() const -> index_type
Get the size of data.
auto second_derivative_of_residual_norm(const scalar_type ¶m) const -> scalar_type
Calculate the second-order derivative of the squared norm of the residual.
auto internal_solver() const -> const tikhonov< coeff_type, data_type > &
Access to the internal solver (for debug).
explicit_regularized_solver_base< full_gen_tikhonov< Coeff, Data >, Data > base_type
Type of base class.
auto singular_values() const -> const typename Eigen::BDCSVD< coeff_type >::SingularValuesType &
Get the singular values.
auto param_search_region() const -> std::pair< scalar_type, scalar_type >
Get the default region to search for the optimal regularization parameter.
Coeff coeff_actual_solution_
Coefficient matrix to calculate actual solution.
typename Eigen::NumTraits< typename data_type::Scalar >::Real scalar_type
Type of scalars.
Data data_type
Type of data.
Class to perform Tikhonov regularization.
Definition of dense_matrix concept.
Definition of exceptions.
Definition of explicit_regularized_solver_base class.
Definition of index_type type.
Definition of log_tag_view class.
Definition of macros for logging.
Namespace of Eigen library.
std::ptrdiff_t index_type
Type of indices in this library.
Namespace of regularization algorithms.
constexpr auto full_gen_tikhonov_tag
Tag of fista.
Check whether a precondition is satisfied and throw an exception if not.
Definition of tikhonov class.