29inline namespace base {
42template <
typename Func,
typename Result,
typename... Args>
45 std::invoke(std::forward<Func>(func), std::forward<Args>(args)...)
58template <
typename Func,
typename Signature>
69template <
typename Func,
typename Result,
typename... Args>
84template <
typename Func,
typename Signature>
93template <
typename Func,
typename Signature>
Concept of functions which are invocable with given argument types and returns objects with given res...
Concept of types implicitly convertible from the given type.
Concept of functions invocable as a function with the given signature.
Definition of implicitly_convertible_to concept.
Namespace of internal implementations.
Namespace of C++ concepts.
constexpr bool is_invocable_as_v
Check whether the given function is invocable as a function with the given signature.
Namespace of definitions common in this project.
Namespace of num_collect source codes.
static constexpr bool value
Result value.
Check whether the given function is invocable as a function with the given signature.