32template <
typename Left, concepts::rhs_less_than_comparable<Left> Right = Left>
43 const Left& left,
const Right& right)
const ->
bool {
54template <
typename Left,
55 concepts::rhs_less_than_or_equal_to_comparable<Left> Right = Left>
66 const Left& left,
const Right& right)
const ->
bool {
77template <
typename Left,
78 concepts::rhs_greater_than_comparable<Left> Right = Left>
89 const Left& left,
const Right& right)
const ->
bool {
100template <
typename Left,
101 concepts::rhs_greater_than_or_equal_to_comparable<Left> Right = Left>
112 const Left& left,
const Right& right)
const ->
bool {
113 return left >= right;
123template <
typename Left, concepts::rhs_equal_to_comparable<Left> Right = Left>
134 const Left& left,
const Right& right)
const ->
bool {
135 return left == right;
145template <
typename Left,
146 concepts::rhs_not_equal_to_comparable<Left> Right = Left>
157 const Left& left,
const Right& right)
const ->
bool {
158 return left != right;
Class to compare two values with operator==.
constexpr auto operator()(const Left &left, const Right &right) const -> bool
Class to compare two values with operator>=.
constexpr auto operator()(const Left &left, const Right &right) const -> bool
Class to compare two values with operator>.
constexpr auto operator()(const Left &left, const Right &right) const -> bool
Class to compare two values with operator<=.
constexpr auto operator()(const Left &left, const Right &right) const -> bool
Class to compare two values with operator<.
constexpr auto operator()(const Left &left, const Right &right) const -> bool
Class to compare two values with operator!=.
constexpr auto operator()(const Left &left, const Right &right) const -> bool
Definition of rhs_comparable concept.