numerical-collection-cpp 0.10.0
A collection of algorithms in numerical analysis implemented in C++
No Matches
fraction.h File Reference

Definition of fraction class. More...

#include <ostream>
#include <type_traits>
#include <fmt/base.h>
#include <fmt/ostream.h>
#include "num_collect/base/concepts/integral.h"
#include "num_collect/base/exception.h"
#include "num_collect/base/precondition.h"
#include "num_collect/logging/logging_macros.h"
#include "num_collect/util/greatest_common_divisor.h"
#include "num_collect/util/multiply_safely.h"
+ Include dependency graph for fraction.h:

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  fmt::formatter< num_collect::numbers::fraction< Integer > >
 fmt::formatter for num_collect::numbers::fraction. More...
class  num_collect::numbers::fraction< IntegerType >
 Class of fractions. More...


namespace  fmt
 Namespace of fmt library.
namespace  num_collect
 Namespace of num_collect source codes.
namespace  num_collect::numbers
 Namespace of classes of numbers.


template<num_collect::base::concepts::integral Integer>
constexpr auto num_collect::numbers::operator* (const fraction< Integer > &left, const fraction< Integer > &right) -> fraction< Integer >
 Multiply two fractions.
template<num_collect::base::concepts::integral Integer>
constexpr auto num_collect::numbers::operator+ (const fraction< Integer > &left, const fraction< Integer > &right) -> fraction< Integer >
 Add two fractions.
template<num_collect::base::concepts::integral Integer>
constexpr auto num_collect::numbers::operator- (const fraction< Integer > &left, const fraction< Integer > &right) -> fraction< Integer >
 Subtract a fraction from another fraction.
template<num_collect::base::concepts::integral Integer>
constexpr auto num_collect::numbers::operator/ (const fraction< Integer > &left, const fraction< Integer > &right) -> fraction< Integer >
 Divide a fraction by another fraction.
template<num_collect::base::concepts::integral Integer>
auto num_collect::numbers::operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const fraction< Integer > &val) -> std::ostream &
 Format a fraction.

Detailed Description

Definition of fraction class.

Definition in file fraction.h.