numerical-collection-cpp 0.10.0
A collection of algorithms in numerical analysis implemented in C++
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num_collect::opt::steepest_descent< ObjectiveFunction, LineSearcher > Class Template Reference

Class of steepest descent method. More...

#include <num_collect/opt/steepest_descent.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for num_collect::opt::steepest_descent< ObjectiveFunction, LineSearcher >:
+ Collaboration diagram for num_collect::opt::steepest_descent< ObjectiveFunction, LineSearcher >:

Public Types

using base_type = descent_method_base<this_type, LineSearcher>
 Type of base class.
using objective_function_type
 Type of the objective function.
using this_type = steepest_descent<ObjectiveFunction, LineSearcher>
 This class.
using value_type
 Type of function values.
using variable_type
 Type of variables.
- Public Types inherited from num_collect::opt::descent_method_base< Derived, LineSearcher >
using line_searcher_type = LineSearcher
 Type of class to perform line search.
using objective_function_type
 Type of the objective function.
using value_type = typename objective_function_type::value_type
 Type of function values.
using variable_type = typename objective_function_type::variable_type
 Type of variables.

Public Member Functions

 steepest_descent (const objective_function_type &obj_fun=objective_function_type())
auto calc_direction () const -> variable_type
 Calculate search direction.
void configure_iteration_logger (logging::iterations::iteration_logger< this_type > &iteration_logger) const
 Configure an iteration logger.
auto evaluations () const noexcept -> index_type
 Get the number of function evaluations.
auto gradient () const -> const variable_type &
 Get gradient for current optimal variable.
auto gradient_norm () const -> value_type
 Calculate norm of gradient.
auto iterations () const noexcept -> index_type
 Get the number of iterations.
auto opt_value () const -> const value_type &
 Get current optimal value.
- Public Member Functions inherited from num_collect::opt::descent_method_base< Derived, LineSearcher >
auto calc_direction () -> variable_type
 Calculate search direction.
auto evaluations () const noexcept -> index_type
 Get the number of function evaluations.
auto gradient () const -> const variable_type &
 Get gradient for current optimal variable.
auto gradient_norm () const -> value_type
 Calculate norm of gradient.
void init (const variable_type &init_variable)
auto is_stop_criteria_satisfied () const -> bool
 Determine if stopping criteria of the algorithm are satisfied.
void iterate ()
 Iterate the algorithm once.
auto iterations () const noexcept -> index_type
 Get the number of iterations.
auto line_searcher () -> line_searcher_type &
 Access object to perform line search.
auto line_searcher () const -> const line_searcher_type &
 Access object to perform line search.
auto opt_value () const -> const value_type &
 Get current optimal value.
auto opt_variable () const -> const variable_type &
 Get current optimal variable.
auto tol_gradient_norm (const value_type &value) -> Derived &
 Set tolerance of norm of gradient.
- Public Member Functions inherited from num_collect::opt::optimizer_base< Derived >
 optimizer_base (logging::log_tag_view tag)
auto evaluations () const noexcept -> index_type
 Get the number of function evaluations.
auto iterations () const noexcept -> index_type
 Get the number of iterations.
auto opt_value () const
 Get current optimal value.
auto opt_variable () const
 Get current optimal variable.
- Public Member Functions inherited from num_collect::base::iterative_solver_base< Derived >
 iterative_solver_base (logging::log_tag_view tag)
auto is_stop_criteria_satisfied () const -> bool
 Determine if stopping criteria of the algorithm are satisfied.
void iterate ()
 Iterate the algorithm once.
void solve ()
 Solve the problem.
- Public Member Functions inherited from num_collect::logging::logging_mixin
 logging_mixin (log_tag_view tag)
template<typename Child>
void configure_child_algorithm_logger_if_exists (Child &child)
 Configure a logger of a child algorithm if exists.
auto logger () const noexcept -> const num_collect::logging::logger &
 Access to the logger.
auto logger () noexcept -> num_collect::logging::logger &
 Access to the logger.
- Public Member Functions inherited from num_collect::logging::iterations::iteration_logger_mixin< Derived >
 iteration_logger_mixin ()=default
void configure_iteration_logger (num_collect::logging::iterations::iteration_logger< Derived > &iteration_logger) const
 Configure an iteration logger.
auto initialize_iteration_logger () -> num_collect::logging::iterations::iteration_logger< Derived > &
 Get the iteration logger.

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from num_collect::opt::descent_method_base< Derived, LineSearcher >
 descent_method_base (logging::log_tag_view tag, const objective_function_type &obj_fun=objective_function_type())
- Protected Member Functions inherited from num_collect::base::iterative_solver_base< Derived >
auto derived () const noexcept -> const Derived &
 Access derived object.
auto derived () noexcept -> Derived &
 Access derived object.

Detailed Description

template<concepts::differentiable_objective_function ObjectiveFunction, concepts::line_searcher LineSearcher = backtracking_line_searcher<ObjectiveFunction>>
class num_collect::opt::steepest_descent< ObjectiveFunction, LineSearcher >

Class of steepest descent method.

Template Parameters
ObjectiveFunctionType of the objective function.
LineSearcherType of class to perform line search.

Definition at line 45 of file steepest_descent.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ base_type

template<concepts::differentiable_objective_function ObjectiveFunction, concepts::line_searcher LineSearcher = backtracking_line_searcher<ObjectiveFunction>>
using num_collect::opt::steepest_descent< ObjectiveFunction, LineSearcher >::base_type = descent_method_base<this_type, LineSearcher>

Type of base class.

Definition at line 53 of file steepest_descent.h.

◆ objective_function_type

template<concepts::differentiable_objective_function ObjectiveFunction, concepts::line_searcher LineSearcher = backtracking_line_searcher<ObjectiveFunction>>
using num_collect::opt::descent_method_base< this_type, LineSearcher >::objective_function_type

Type of the objective function.

Definition at line 42 of file descent_method_base.h.

◆ this_type

template<concepts::differentiable_objective_function ObjectiveFunction, concepts::line_searcher LineSearcher = backtracking_line_searcher<ObjectiveFunction>>
using num_collect::opt::steepest_descent< ObjectiveFunction, LineSearcher >::this_type = steepest_descent<ObjectiveFunction, LineSearcher>

This class.

Definition at line 50 of file steepest_descent.h.

◆ value_type

template<concepts::differentiable_objective_function ObjectiveFunction, concepts::line_searcher LineSearcher = backtracking_line_searcher<ObjectiveFunction>>
using num_collect::opt::descent_method_base< this_type, LineSearcher >::value_type

Type of function values.

Definition at line 49 of file descent_method_base.h.

◆ variable_type

template<concepts::differentiable_objective_function ObjectiveFunction, concepts::line_searcher LineSearcher = backtracking_line_searcher<ObjectiveFunction>>
using num_collect::opt::descent_method_base< this_type, LineSearcher >::variable_type

Type of variables.

Definition at line 46 of file descent_method_base.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ steepest_descent()

template<concepts::differentiable_objective_function ObjectiveFunction, concepts::line_searcher LineSearcher = backtracking_line_searcher<ObjectiveFunction>>
num_collect::opt::steepest_descent< ObjectiveFunction, LineSearcher >::steepest_descent ( const objective_function_type & obj_fun = objective_function_type())


[in]obj_funObjective function.

Definition at line 69 of file steepest_descent.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ calc_direction()

template<concepts::differentiable_objective_function ObjectiveFunction, concepts::line_searcher LineSearcher = backtracking_line_searcher<ObjectiveFunction>>
auto num_collect::opt::steepest_descent< ObjectiveFunction, LineSearcher >::calc_direction ( ) const -> variable_type

Calculate search direction.

Search direction.

Definition at line 76 of file steepest_descent.h.

◆ configure_iteration_logger()

template<concepts::differentiable_objective_function ObjectiveFunction, concepts::line_searcher LineSearcher = backtracking_line_searcher<ObjectiveFunction>>
void num_collect::opt::steepest_descent< ObjectiveFunction, LineSearcher >::configure_iteration_logger ( logging::iterations::iteration_logger< this_type > & iteration_logger) const

Configure an iteration logger.

[in]iteration_loggerIteration logger.

Definition at line 83 of file steepest_descent.h.

◆ evaluations()

template<concepts::differentiable_objective_function ObjectiveFunction, concepts::line_searcher LineSearcher = backtracking_line_searcher<ObjectiveFunction>>
auto num_collect::opt::descent_method_base< this_type, LineSearcher >::evaluations ( ) const -> index_type

Get the number of function evaluations.

Number of function evaluations.

Definition at line 127 of file descent_method_base.h.

◆ gradient()

template<concepts::differentiable_objective_function ObjectiveFunction, concepts::line_searcher LineSearcher = backtracking_line_searcher<ObjectiveFunction>>
auto num_collect::opt::descent_method_base< this_type, LineSearcher >::gradient ( ) const -> const variable_type&

Get gradient for current optimal variable.

Gradient for current optimal variable.

Definition at line 136 of file descent_method_base.h.

◆ gradient_norm()

template<concepts::differentiable_objective_function ObjectiveFunction, concepts::line_searcher LineSearcher = backtracking_line_searcher<ObjectiveFunction>>
auto num_collect::opt::descent_method_base< this_type, LineSearcher >::gradient_norm ( ) const -> value_type

Calculate norm of gradient.

Norm of gradient.

Definition at line 145 of file descent_method_base.h.

◆ iterations()

template<concepts::differentiable_objective_function ObjectiveFunction, concepts::line_searcher LineSearcher = backtracking_line_searcher<ObjectiveFunction>>
auto num_collect::opt::descent_method_base< this_type, LineSearcher >::iterations ( ) const -> index_type

Get the number of iterations.

Number of iterations.

Definition at line 120 of file descent_method_base.h.

◆ opt_value()

template<concepts::differentiable_objective_function ObjectiveFunction, concepts::line_searcher LineSearcher = backtracking_line_searcher<ObjectiveFunction>>
auto num_collect::opt::descent_method_base< this_type, LineSearcher >::opt_value ( ) const -> const value_type&

Get current optimal value.

Current optimal value.

Definition at line 113 of file descent_method_base.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: