numerical-collection-cpp 0.10.0
A collection of algorithms in numerical analysis implemented in C++
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num_collect::rbf::rbfs::wendland_csrbf< Scalar, L, K > Class Template Reference

Class of Wendland's Compactly Supported RBF [30]. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for num_collect::rbf::rbfs::wendland_csrbf< Scalar, L, K >:
+ Collaboration diagram for num_collect::rbf::rbfs::wendland_csrbf< Scalar, L, K >:

Detailed Description

template<base::concepts::real_scalar Scalar, index_type L, index_type K>
class num_collect::rbf::rbfs::wendland_csrbf< Scalar, L, K >

Class of Wendland's Compactly Supported RBF [30].

Template Parameters
ScalarType of scalars.
LDegree of the truncated power function before differentiation. When variables has d dimensions, L should be at least d/2+K+1. For L lesser than 1, this RBF is not defined.
KNumber of integration operator applied to the truncated power function. The resulting RBF is 2K-th order differentiable.

Definition at line 40 of file wendland_csrbf.h.

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