numerical-collection-cpp 0.10.0
A collection of algorithms in numerical analysis implemented in C++
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 NEigenNamespace of Eigen library
 CNumTraits< num_collect::auto_diff::backward::variable< Scalar > >Specialization of Eigen::NumTraits for num_collect::auto_diff::forward::variable
 CNumTraits< num_collect::auto_diff::forward::variable< Value, Diff > >Specialization of Eigen::NumTraits for num_collect::auto_diff::forward::variable
 NfmtNamespace of fmt library
 Cformatter< num_collect::logging::log_level >Fmt::formatter for num_collect::logging::log_level
 Cformatter< num_collect::logging::time_stamp >Fmt::formatter for num_collect::logging::time_stamp
 Cformatter< num_collect::numbers::fraction< Integer > >Fmt::formatter for num_collect::numbers::fraction
 Cformatter< num_collect::util::impl::dense_matrix_format_view< Matrix > >Fmt::formatter for num_collect::util::impl::dense_matrix_format_view
 Cformatter< num_collect::util::impl::dense_vector_format_view< Vector > >Fmt::formatter for num_collect::util::impl::dense_vector_format_view
 Cformatter< num_collect::util::impl::sparse_matrix_format_view< Matrix > >Fmt::formatter for num_collect::util::impl::sparse_matrix_format_view
 Nnum_collectNamespace of num_collect source codes
 Nauto_diffNamespace of automatic differentiation
 NbaseNamespace of definitions common in this project
 NconceptsNamespace of C++ concepts
 NfunctionsNamespace of special functions
 NintegrationNamespace of numerical integration
 NlinearNamespace of solvers of linear equations
 NloggingNamespace of logging
 Nmulti_doubleNamespace of multiple precision numbers with double numbers
 NnumbersNamespace of classes of numbers
 NodeNamespace of solvers of ordinary differential equations (ODE)
 NoptNamespace of optimization algorithms
 NrbfNamespace of RBF interpolation
 NregularizationNamespace of regularization algorithms
 NrootsNamespace of root-finding algorithms
 NutilNamespace of utilities
 Calgorithm_failureClass of exception on failure in algorithm
 Cassertion_failureClass of exception on assertion failure
 Cfile_errorClass of exception on errors in files
 Cinvalid_argumentClass of exception on invalid arguments
 Cis_eigen_matrixClass to check whether a type is a Eigen's matrix
 Cis_eigen_matrix< Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols > >Class to check whether a type is a Eigen's matrix
 Cis_eigen_vectorClass to check whether a type is a Eigen's vector
 Cis_eigen_vector< Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, Rows, 1, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols > >Class to check whether a type is a Eigen's vector
 Citerative_solver_baseBase class of iterative solvers
 Cnum_collect_exceptionClass of exception in this project
 Cprecondition_not_satisfiedClass of exception on not satisfying a precondition
 Nnum_prob_collectNamespace of problems for test of num_collect
 NlinearNamespace of linear equations
 NodeNamespace of ordinary differential equation problems
 NoptNamespace of optimization problems
 NregularizationNamespace of regularization
 NrootsNamespace of root-finding problems
 NstdSTL namespace
 Chash< num_collect::logging::impl::log_tag_element >Specialization of std::hash for num_collect::logging::impl::log_tag_element
 Chash< num_collect::opt::impl::ternary_vector >Implementation of std::hash for num_collect::opt::impl::ternary_vector