numerical-collection-cpp 0.10.0
A collection of algorithms in numerical analysis implemented in C++
▼NEigen | Namespace of Eigen library |
CNumTraits< num_collect::auto_diff::backward::variable< Scalar > > | Specialization of Eigen::NumTraits for num_collect::auto_diff::forward::variable |
CNumTraits< num_collect::auto_diff::forward::variable< Value, Diff > > | Specialization of Eigen::NumTraits for num_collect::auto_diff::forward::variable |
▼Nfmt | Namespace of fmt library |
Cformatter< num_collect::logging::log_level > | Fmt::formatter for num_collect::logging::log_level |
Cformatter< num_collect::logging::time_stamp > | Fmt::formatter for num_collect::logging::time_stamp |
Cformatter< num_collect::numbers::fraction< Integer > > | Fmt::formatter for num_collect::numbers::fraction |
Cformatter< num_collect::util::impl::dense_matrix_format_view< Matrix > > | Fmt::formatter for num_collect::util::impl::dense_matrix_format_view |
Cformatter< num_collect::util::impl::dense_vector_format_view< Vector > > | Fmt::formatter for num_collect::util::impl::dense_vector_format_view |
Cformatter< num_collect::util::impl::sparse_matrix_format_view< Matrix > > | Fmt::formatter for num_collect::util::impl::sparse_matrix_format_view |
▼Nnum_collect | Namespace of num_collect source codes |
►Nauto_diff | Namespace of automatic differentiation |
►Nbackward | Namespace of backward-mode automatic differentiation |
►Ngraph | Namespace of graphs in backward-mode automatic differentiation |
Cchild_node | Class to save information of child nodes |
Cnode | Class of nodes in graphs of automatic differentiation |
►Cnode_differentiator | Class to compute differential coefficients for nodes in backward-mode automatic differentiation [17] |
Cnode_info | Struct to save internal information of nodes |
►Nimpl | Namespace of internal implementations |
Ccreate_diff_variable_vector_functor | Class of functor to create a vector of variables by which functions will be differentiated |
Cdifferentiate_scalar_with_matrix_functor | Class of functor to assign differential coefficients to matrices on the condition that a scalar-valued function is differentiated by a matrix-valued variable |
Cdifferentiate_vector_with_vector_functor | Class of functor to assign differential coefficients to matrices on the condition that a vector-valued function is differentiated by a vector-valued variable |
Cconstant_tag | Tag class to specify constants |
Cvariable | Class of variables in backward-mode automatic differentiation [17] |
Cvariable_tag | Tag class to specify variables |
►Nforward | Namespace of forward-mode automatic differentiation |
►Nimpl | Namespace of internal implementations |
Ccreate_diff_variable_vector_functor | Class of functor to create a vector of variables by which functions will be differentiated |
Cmake_jacobian_functor | Class of functor to make Jacobian |
Cvariable | Class of variables in forward-mode automatic differentiation [17] |
►Nbase | Namespace of definitions common in this project |
►Nconcepts | Namespace of C++ concepts |
Cis_integral | Class to check whether a type is an integer |
Cis_invocable_as | Check whether the given function is invocable as a function with the given signature |
Cis_invocable_as< Func, Result(Args...)> | Check whether the given function is invocable as a function with the given signature |
Cis_real_scalar | Class to check whether a type is a real scalar (a floating-point value or a type compatible with floating-point values) |
Cis_signed | Class to check whether a type is signed |
Cis_sparse_matrix | Check whether a type is a sparse matrix |
Cis_sparse_matrix< Eigen::SparseMatrix< Scalar, Options, StorageIndex > > | Check whether a type is a sparse matrix |
Calgorithm_failure | Class of exception on failure in algorithm |
Cassertion_failure | Class of exception on assertion failure |
Cfile_error | Class of exception on errors in files |
Cinvalid_argument | Class of exception on invalid arguments |
Citerative_solver_base | Base class of iterative solvers |
Cnum_collect_exception | Class of exception in this project |
Cprecondition_not_satisfied | Class of exception on not satisfying a precondition |
►Nconcepts | Namespace of C++ concepts |
Cis_integral | Class to check whether a type is an integer |
Cis_invocable_as | Check whether the given function is invocable as a function with the given signature |
Cis_invocable_as< Func, Result(Args...)> | Check whether the given function is invocable as a function with the given signature |
Cis_real_scalar | Class to check whether a type is a real scalar (a floating-point value or a type compatible with floating-point values) |
Cis_signed | Class to check whether a type is signed |
Cis_sparse_matrix | Check whether a type is a sparse matrix |
Cis_sparse_matrix< Eigen::SparseMatrix< Scalar, Options, StorageIndex > > | Check whether a type is a sparse matrix |
►Nfunctions | Namespace of special functions |
►Nimpl | Namespace of internal implementations |
Cgamma_lanczos | Class to calculate gamma function using approximation derived by Lanczos [20] |
Clegendre_for_newton | Class of Legendre function to use with num_collect::roots::newton_raphson class |
Clegendre_roots | Class of roots of Legendre function |
►Nintegration | Namespace of numerical integration |
►Nimpl | Namespace of internal implementations |
Cde_semi_infinite_integrator_traits | Helper class of constants for use in de_semi_infinite_integrator class |
Cde_semi_infinite_integrator_traits< double > | Implementation of de_semi_infinite_integrator_traits for float |
Cde_semi_infinite_integrator_traits< float > | Implementation of de_semi_infinite_integrator_traits for float |
Ctanh_finite_integrator_traits | Helper class of constants for use in tanh_finite_integrator class |
Ctanh_finite_integrator_traits< double > | Implementation of tanh_finite_integrator_traits for double |
Ctanh_finite_integrator_traits< float > | Implementation of tanh_finite_integrator_traits for float |
Cde_finite_integrator | Class to perform numerical integration on finite range using double exponential rule |
Cde_finite_integrator< Result(Variable)> | Class to perform numerical integration on finite range using double exponential rule |
Cde_infinite_integrator | Class to perform numerical integration on infinite range \((-\infty, \infty)\) using double exponential rule |
Cde_infinite_integrator< Result(Variable)> | Class to perform numerical integration on infinite range \((-\infty, \infty)\) using double exponential rule |
Cde_semi_infinite_integrator | Class to perform numerical integration on semi-infinite range \((0, \infty)\) using double exponential rule |
Cde_semi_infinite_integrator< Result(Variable)> | Class to perform numerical integration on semi-infinite range \((0, \infty)\) using double exponential rule |
Cgauss_legendre_integrator | Class to perform numerical integration with Gauss-Legendre formula |
Cgauss_legendre_integrator< Result(Variable)> | Class to perform numerical integration with Gauss-Legendre formula |
Cgauss_legendre_kronrod_integrator | Class to perform numerical adaptive integration with Gauss-Legendre-Kronrod formula in [18] |
Cgauss_legendre_kronrod_integrator< Result(Variable)> | Class to perform numerical adaptive integration with Gauss-Legendre-Kronrod formula in [18] |
Ctanh_finite_integrator | Class to perform numerical integration on finite range using TANH rule |
Ctanh_finite_integrator< Result(Variable)> | Class to perform numerical integration on finite range using TANH rule |
►Nlinear | Namespace of solvers of linear equations |
►Nimpl | Namespace of internal implementations |
►Namg | Namespace of internal implementations of algebraic multigrid method [24] |
Cnode_connection_list | Class of lists of connected nodes per node |
►Ccuthill_mckee_ordering_impl | Class of the implementation of Cuthill-McKee ordering method [7], [16] |
Cnext_index_data | Struct of data of indices processed next |
Cnext_index_data_less | Function object to compare next_index_data objects |
Citerative_solver_traits | Traits of iterative solvers |
Citerative_solver_traits< algebraic_multigrid_solver< Matrix > > | Traits of algebraic_multigrid_solver class |
Citerative_solver_traits< gauss_seidel_iterative_solver< Matrix > > | Traits of gauss_seidel_iterative_solver class |
Citerative_solver_traits< parallel_symmetric_successive_over_relaxation< Matrix > > | Traits of parallel_symmetric_successive_over_relaxation class |
Citerative_solver_traits< symmetric_successive_over_relaxation< Matrix > > | Traits of symmetric_successive_over_relaxation class |
Coperator_conjugate_gradient | Class to perform conjugate gradient (CG) method [7] for linear operators |
►Calgebraic_multigrid_solver | Class to solve linear equations using algebraic multigrid method [24] |
Cfinal_layer_data | Struct of internal data for the final layer |
Cfirst_layer_data | Struct of internal data for the first layer |
Cintermidiate_layer_data | Struct of internal data for the intermidiate layers |
Ccuthill_mckee_ordering | Class to perform Cuthill-McKee ordering method [7], [16] |
Cgauss_seidel_iterative_solver | Class to solve linear equations using Gauss-Seidel iteration [7] |
Citerative_solver_base | Base class of iterative solvers |
Cparallel_symmetric_successive_over_relaxation | Class to solve linear equations using symmetric successive over-relaxation using threads [7] |
Creverse_cuthill_mckee_ordering | Class to perform reverse Cuthill-McKee ordering method [7], [16] |
Csymmetric_successive_over_relaxation | Class to solve linear equations using symmetric successive over-relaxation [7] |
►Nlogging | Namespace of logging |
►Nconfig | Namespace of logging configuration |
►Ntoml | Namespace of logging configuration in TOML files |
Ctoml_combined_log_sink_config_parser | Class to parse configurations of log sinks to write logs to multiple log sinks |
Ctoml_combined_log_sink_factory | Class to create log sinks to write logs to multiple log sinks |
Ctoml_console_log_sink_config_parser | Class to parse configurations of log sinks to write to consoles |
Ctoml_console_log_sink_factory | Class to create log sinks to write to consoles using TOML configurations |
Ctoml_log_config_parser | Class to parse log configuration from a TOML file |
Ctoml_log_sink_config_parser_base | Interface of parser of configurations of log sinks |
Ctoml_single_file_log_sink_config_parser | Class to parse configurations of log sinks to write to files without rotation |
Ctoml_single_file_log_sink_factory | Class to create log sinks to write to files without rotation using TOML configurations |
Cdefault_log_sink_factory | Class to create default log sink |
Clog_config_parser_base | Interface of parsers of logging configurations |
Clog_sink_factory_base | Interface of factories of log sinks |
►Clog_sink_factory_table | Class of tables of log sinks |
Ccached_log_sink | Class of caches of log sinks |
►Nformatters | Namespace of formatters of logs |
Ccolored_compact_log_formatter | Class to format logs compactly with colors |
Ccompact_log_formatter | Class to format logs compactly |
Cdetailed_log_formatter | Class to format logs with details |
Clog_formatter_base | Base class of classes to format logs |
►Nimpl | Namespace of internal implementations |
►Citeration_layer_handler | Class to handle layers of iterations |
Cnode | Class of internal nodes |
Clog_tag_config_tree | Class of trees of configurations of log tags |
Clog_tag_config_tree_node | Class of nodes in log_tag_config_tree objects |
Clog_tag_element | Class of elements in log tags |
►Niterations | Namespace of iteration logs |
Cfunction_iteration_parameter_value | Class of parameters values in iterations specified by functions |
Citeration_logger | Class to write logs of iterations |
Citeration_logger_mixin | Class to incorporate num_collect::logging::iterations::iteration_logger in algorithms |
Citeration_parameter | Class of parameters in iterations |
Citeration_parameter_base | Base class of parameters in iterations |
Citeration_parameter_formatter | Class of the formatter of parameter values in iterations |
Citeration_parameter_formatter< std::optional< Value > > | Class of the formatter of parameter values in iterations |
Citeration_parameter_formatter< Value > | Class of the formatter of parameter values in iterations |
Cmember_function_iteration_parameter_value | Class of parameters values in iterations specified by member functions |
Cmember_variable_iteration_parameter_value | Class of parameters values in iterations specified by member variables |
Cvariable_iteration_parameter_value | Class of parameters values in iterations specified by variables |
►Nsinks | Namespace of log sinks |
Ccombined_log_sink | Class of log sinks to write logs to multiple log sinks |
Cfile_wrapper | Class to wrap file pointer |
Clog_sink | Class of log sinks |
Clog_tag | Class of tags of logs |
Clog_tag_config | Class to hold configurations for log tags |
Clog_tag_view | Class of tags of logs without memory management |
Clogger | Class of loggers |
Clogging_mixin | Class to incorporate logging in algorithms |
Clogging_proxy | Proxy class to write logs |
Ctime_stamp | Class of time stamps |
►Nmulti_double | Namespace of multiple precision numbers with double numbers |
Cquad | Class of quadruple precision floating-point numbers |
►Nnumbers | Namespace of classes of numbers |
Ccustom_float | Class of floating numbers in a custom number system with given radix |
Cfraction | Class of fractions |
►Node | Namespace of solvers of ordinary differential equations (ODE) |
►Navf | Namespace of average vector field (AVF) method |
►Nimpl | Namespace of internal implementations |
Cavf_integrand | Class of integrand for average vector field (AVF) method [21] |
Cavf2_formula | Class of 2nd order average vector field (AVF) method [21] |
Cavf3_formula | Class of 3rd order average vector field (AVF) method [21] |
Cavf4_formula | Class of 4th order average vector field (AVF) method [21] |
►Nimpl | Namespace of internal implementations |
Cbicgstab | Class to solve linear equations using BiCGstab [7] |
Cgmres | Class to solve linear equations using generalized minimal residual (GMRES) [7] |
►Nrosenbrock | Namespace of Rosenbrock method |
Cbicgstab_rosenbrock_equation_solver | Class to solve equations in Rosenbrock methods using BiCGstab |
Cdefault_rosenbrock_equation_solver | Class to get the default class to solve equations in Rosenbrock methods |
Cdefault_rosenbrock_equation_solver< Problem > | Class to get the default class to solve equations in Rosenbrock methods |
Cgmres_rosenbrock_equation_solver | Class to solve equations in Rosenbrock methods using GMRES |
Clu_rosenbrock_equation_solver | Class to solve equations in Rosenbrock methods using LU decomposition |
Cmixed_broyden_rosenbrock_equation_solver | Class to solve equations in Rosenbrock methods using Broyden's update in [19] |
Crodasp_formula | Class of RODASP formula for Rosenbrock method |
Crodaspr_formula | Class of RODASPR formula [23] for Rosenbrock method |
Cros34pw3_formula | Class of ROS34PW3 formula in [22] for Rosenbrock method |
Cros3w_formula | Class of ROS3w formula in [22] for Rosenbrock method |
Crosenbrock_formula_base | Base class of formulas in Rosenbrock method |
Cscalar_rosenbrock_equation_solver | Class to solve equations in Rosenbrock methods for single-variate case |
►Nrunge_kutta | Namespace of Runge-Kutta method |
Cark43_erk_formula | Class of ARK4(3)6L[2]SA-ERK formula in [15] |
Cark43_esdirk_formula | Class of ARK4(3)6L[2]SA-ESDIRK formula in [15] |
Cark54_esdirk_formula | Class of ARK5(4)8L[2]SA-ESDIRK formula in [15] |
Cdopri5_formula | Class of DOPRI5 formula using coefficients in [9] |
Cesdirk45_formula | Class of ESDIRK45c formula in [13] |
Cimplicit_euler_formula | Class of implicit Euler method |
Cimplicit_formula_base | Class of formulas in Runge-Kutta method |
Crk4_formula | Class of Runge-Kutta 4 formula (classic Runge-Kutta method) |
Crkf45_formula | Class of Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg 45 formula |
Csdirk4_formula | Class of 4th order SDIRK (singly diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta) formula in [9] |
Ctanaka1_formula | Class of Tanaka Formula 1 |
Ctanaka2_formula | Class of Tanaka Formula 2 |
►Nsymplectic | Namespace of symplectic integration |
Cleap_frog_formula | Class of leap-frog formula |
Csymplectic_forest4_formula | Class of fourth-order symplectic integration formula in [5] |
Cbasic_step_size_controller | Class to control step sizes using well-known method [10] |
Cembedded_solver | Class of solvers of ODEs using embedded formulas |
Cerror_tolerances | Class of error tolerances [10] |
Cerror_tolerances< Variable > | Class of error tolerances [10] |
Cevaluation_type | Struct to specify types of evaluations |
Cformula_base | Base class of formulas in ODE solvers |
Cinexact_newton_slope_equation_solver | Class to solve equations of implicit slopes using inexact Newton method |
Cinexact_newton_slope_equation_solver< Problem > | Class to solve equations of implicit slopes using inexact Newton method |
Cinexact_newton_update_equation_solver | Class to solve equations of implicit updates using inexact Newton method |
Cinexact_newton_update_equation_solver< Problem > | Class to solve equations of implicit updates using inexact Newton method |
Cinitial_step_size_calculator | Class to calculate initial step sizes [10] |
Cmulti_variate_implicit_problem_wrapper | Class to wrap implicit problems to use as explicit problems |
Cnon_embedded_formula_wrapper | Wrapper class to use a non-embedded formula as an embedded formula |
Cpi_step_size_controller | Class to control step sizes using PI controller [8] |
Csimple_solver | Class of simple solver of ODEs |
Csingle_variate_implicit_problem_wrapper | Class to wrap implicit problems to use as explicit problems |
Csolver_base | Base class of solvers of ODEs |
Cstep_size_controller_base | Base class of classes to control step sizes |
Cstep_size_limits | Class of limits of step sizes |
►Nopt | Namespace of optimization algorithms |
►Nimpl | Namespace of internal implementations |
►Cadc_group | Class of groups in [27] for num_collect::opt::adaptive_diagonal_curves |
Cgreater | Class to compare rectangles |
Cadc_rectangle | Class of rectangles as proposed in [26] for num_collect::opt::adaptive_diagonal_curves |
Cadc_sample_dict | Class of dictionaries of sampling points in num_collect::opt::adaptive_diagonal_curves |
Cadc_sample_dict< ObjectiveFunction > | Class of dictionaries of sampling points in num_collect::opt::adaptive_diagonal_curves |
Cternary_vector | Class of vectors of ternary floating-point numbers |
Cadaptive_diagonal_curves | Class of adaptive diagonal curves (ADC) method [27] for optimization |
Cannealing_downhill_simplex | Class of downhill simplex method with simulated annealing [20] |
Cannealing_downhill_simplex< ObjectiveFunction > | Class of downhill simplex method with simulated annealing [20] |
Cany_objective_function | Class to store any type of objects of objective functions |
Cany_objective_function< Value(Variable)> | Class to store any type of objects of objective functions |
Cbacktracking_line_searcher | Class to perform backtracking line search |
Cbacktracking_line_searcher< ObjectiveFunction > | Class to perform backtracking line search |
Cbfgs_optimizer | Class of quasi-Newton method with Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) formula |
Cconjugate_gradient_optimizer | Class of conjugate gradient method for optimization |
Cdescent_method_base | Base class of implementations of descent methods for optimization |
Cdfp_optimizer | Class of quasi-Newton method with Davidon-Fletcher-Powell (DFP) formula |
►Cdividing_rectangles | Class of dividing rectangles (DIRECT) method [12] for optimization |
Cgreater_rectangle | Class to compare rectangles |
Crectangle | Class of hyper rectangle in DIRECT method |
Cdownhill_simplex | Class of downhill simplex method |
Cdownhill_simplex< ObjectiveFunction > | Class of downhill simplex method [20] |
Cfunction_object_wrapper | Wrapper class of a function object to use as an objective function |
Cfunction_object_wrapper< Value(Variable), Function > | Wrapper class of a function object to use as an objective function |
Cgaussian_process_optimizer | Class of Gaussian process optimization [28], [3] |
Cgolden_section_search | Class of golden section search method |
Cheuristic_global_optimizer | Class to perform global optimization using heuristics |
Cheuristic_global_optimizer< ObjectiveFunction > | Class to perform global optimization in 1 dimension using heuristics |
Cnewton_optimizer | Class of newton method for optimization |
Coptimizer_base | Base class of implementations of optimization algorithms |
Csampling_optimizer | Class to perform optimization using samples of objective functions |
Csampling_optimizer< ObjectiveFunction > | Class to perform optimization using samples of objective functions |
Csteepest_descent | Class of steepest descent method |
►Nrbf | Namespace of RBF interpolation |
►Ndistance_functions | Namespace of distance functions for RBF interpolation |
Ceuclidean_distance_function | Class to calculate Euclidean distance |
Ceuclidean_distance_function< Variable > | Class to calculate Euclidean distance |
►Nimpl | Namespace of internal implementations |
Cgeneral_spline_equation_solver | Class to solve linear equations of kernel matrices and matrices of additional terms in RBF interpolation |
Cgeneral_spline_equation_solver< KernelValue, FunctionValue, kernel_matrix_type::dense, true > | Class to solve linear equations of kernel matrices and matrices of additional terms in RBF interpolation |
Cget_variable_type | Get the type of variables from function signature |
Cget_variable_type< FunctionValue(Variable)> | Get the type of variables from function signature |
Ckernel_matrix_solver | Class to solve linear equations of kernel matrices |
Ckernel_matrix_solver< KernelValue, FunctionValue, kernel_matrix_type::dense, false > | Class to solve linear equations of kernel matrices |
Ckernel_matrix_solver< KernelValue, FunctionValue, kernel_matrix_type::dense, true > | Class to solve linear equations of kernel matrices |
Ckernel_matrix_solver< KernelValue, FunctionValue, kernel_matrix_type::sparse, false > | Class to solve linear equations of kernel matrices |
►Nlength_parameter_calculators | Namespace of calculators of length parameters |
Cglobal_length_parameter_calculator | Class to calculate length parameters for RBF using global fixed length parameter |
Clocal_length_parameter_calculator | Class to calculate length parameters for RBF using length parameters localized for each sample point |
►Nrbfs | Namespace of RBFs |
Cgaussian_rbf | Class of Gaussian RBF [6] |
Cinverse_multi_quadric_rbf | Class of inverse multi-quadric RBF [6] |
Cinverse_quadratic_rbf | Class of inverse quadratic RBF [6] |
Cmulti_quadric_rbf | Class of Multi-quadric RBF [6] |
Csech_rbf | Class of sech RBF [6] |
Cwendland_csrbf | Class of Wendland's Compactly Supported RBF [30] |
Cwendland_csrbf< Scalar, L, 0 > | Class of Wendland's Compactly Supported RBF [30] |
Cwendland_csrbf< Scalar, L, 1 > | Class of Wendland's Compactly Supported RBF [30] |
Cwendland_csrbf< Scalar, L, 2 > | Class of Wendland's Compactly Supported RBF [30] |
Cgaussian_process_interpolator | Class to interpolate using Gaussian process |
Cpolynomial_calculator | Class to calculate polynomials used with RBF interpolation |
Cpolynomial_calculator< Variable, PolynomialDegree > | Class to calculate polynomials used with RBF interpolation |
Crbf_interpolator | Class to interpolate using RBF |
Crbf_interpolator< FunctionValue(Variable), RBF, KernelMatrixType, DistanceFunction, LengthParameterCalculator > | Class to interpolate using RBF |
Crbf_polynomial_interpolator | Class to interpolate using RBF and polynomials |
Crbf_polynomial_interpolator< FunctionValue(Variable), RBF, PolynomialDegree, KernelMatrixType, DistanceFunction, LengthParameterCalculator > | Class to interpolate using RBF and polynomials |
►Nregularization | Namespace of regularization algorithms |
Cexplicit_gcv | Class to search optimal regularization parameter using GCV |
Cexplicit_gcv_objective_function | Class of objective function in GCV |
Cexplicit_l_curve | Class to search optimal regularization parameter using l-curve |
Cexplicit_l_curve_objective_function | Class of objective function in L-curve |
Cexplicit_param_searcher_base | Base class for searching the optimal regularization parameters using explicit formulas for regularization |
Cexplicit_regularized_solver_base | Base class of solvers using explicit formulas for regularization |
Cfista | Class for fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm (FISTA) [1] for L1-regularization of linear equations |
Cfull_gen_tikhonov | Class to perform generalized Tikhonov regularization on the condition that the matrix in the regularization term which have full row rank [4], [11] |
Cimplicit_gcv | Class to search optimal regularization parameter using GCV |
Cimplicit_gcv_calculator | Class to calculate the objective function of GCV |
Cimplicit_regularized_solver_base | Base class of solvers using implicit formulas for regularization |
Citerative_regularized_solver_base | Base class of solvers using iterative formulas for regularization |
Cregularized_solver_base | Base class of solvers for regularization |
Ctikhonov | Class to perform Tikhonov regularization |
Ctv_admm | Class to solve linear equations with total variation (TV) regularization using the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) [2] |
►Nroots | Namespace of root-finding algorithms |
Cfunction_root_finder_base | Base class of root-finding algorithms for functions |
Cnewton_raphson | Class of Newton-Raphson method |
Cnewton_raphson< Function > | Class of Newton-Raphson method |
►Nutil | Namespace of utilities |
►Nimpl | Namespace of internal implementations |
Cdense_matrix_format_view | Class of expressions to format dense matrices |
Cdense_vector_format_view | Class of expressions to format dense vectors |
Csparse_matrix_format_view | Class of expressions to format sparse matrices |
Cbidirectional_vector | Class to save data in a sequence which can be extended even toward negative direction |
Cequal | Class to compare two values with operator== |
Cgreater | Class to compare two values with operator> |
Cgreater_equal | Class to compare two values with operator>= |
Citeration_period_checker | Class to check periods of iterations |
Ckahan_adder | Class to add numbers using Kahan summation [14] |
Cless | Class to compare two values with operator< |
Cless_equal | Class to compare two values with operator<= |
Cnot_equal | Class to compare two values with operator!= |
Cobject_storage | Class of storage of objects |
Cproducer_consumer_circular_queue | Class of a queue using a circular buffer and thread-safe for a single producer thread and a single consumer thread |
Csource_info_view | Class to hold information of source codes |
Cstatic_stack | Class of stacks using static arrays |
Cunsafe_cast | Class of exception on unsafe casts |
Cvector | Class of vectors wrapping std::vector class to use singed integers as indices |
Calgorithm_failure | Class of exception on failure in algorithm |
Cassertion_failure | Class of exception on assertion failure |
Cfile_error | Class of exception on errors in files |
Cinvalid_argument | Class of exception on invalid arguments |
Cis_eigen_matrix | Class to check whether a type is a Eigen's matrix |
Cis_eigen_matrix< Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols > > | Class to check whether a type is a Eigen's matrix |
Cis_eigen_vector | Class to check whether a type is a Eigen's vector |
Cis_eigen_vector< Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, Rows, 1, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols > > | Class to check whether a type is a Eigen's vector |
Citerative_solver_base | Base class of iterative solvers |
Cnum_collect_exception | Class of exception in this project |
Cprecondition_not_satisfied | Class of exception on not satisfying a precondition |
▼Nnum_prob_collect | Namespace of problems for test of num_collect |
►Nlinear | Namespace of linear equations |
Claplacian_2d_grid | Class to create matrices of Laplacian on a 2-dimensional grid |
►Node | Namespace of ordinary differential equation problems |
Cautonomous_external_force_vibration_problem | Class of test problem of vibration with external force (autonomous version) |
Cchanging_mass_exponential_problem | Class of test problem to calculate exponential function |
Cchanging_mass_quadratic_problem | Class of a test problem |
Cexponential_problem | Class of test problem to calculate exponential function |
Cexternal_exponential_problem | Class of test problem to calculate exponential function using external time-dependent term. |
Cexternal_force_vibration_problem | Class of test problem of vibration with external force |
Cfree_fall_in_resistance_problem | Class of test problem of free fall in air resistance |
Cimplicit_exponential_problem | Class of test problem to calculate exponential function |
Cimplicit_kaps_problem | Class of Kaps' problem [15] |
Ckaps_problem | Class of Kaps' problem [15] |
Cno_jacobian_implicit_kaps_problem | Class of Kaps' problem [15] without Jacobian matrix |
Cpendulum_movement_problem | Class of test problem to pendulum movement |
Cspring_movement_problem | Class of test problem to spring movement |
Cstring_wave_1d_parameters | Struct of parameters in string_wave_1d_problem |
Cstring_wave_1d_problem | Class of ODE problem to solve 1D wave equation of strings discretized using finite difference |
Cstring_wave_1d_solution | Class to calculate exact solution of string_wave_1d_problem |
►Nopt | Namespace of optimization problems |
Cmulti_quadratic_function | Quadratic function for test of optimization |
Cmulti_variate_multi_optima_function | Class of functions of multi-variate optimization problems with multiple local optima |
Cpowell4_function | Class of Powell function in 4 dimensions |
Cquadratic_function | Quadratic function for test of optimization |
Crandom_multi_quadratic_function | Class of multi-variate quadratic functions with random coefficients and optimal variables |
Crandom_multi_quadratic_function_generator | Class to generate random random_multi_quadratic_function objects |
Crandom_multi_variate_difficult_multi_optima_function_generator | Class to generate difficult version of random multi_variate_multi_optima_function objects |
Crandom_multi_variate_multi_optima_function_generator | Class to generate random multi_variate_multi_optima_function objects |
Crandom_quadratic_function | Class of quadratic functions with random coefficients and optimal variables |
Crandom_quadratic_function_generator | Class to generate random quadratic functions |
Crandom_single_variate_multi_optima_function_generator | Class to generate random single_variate_multi_optima_function objects |
Crosenbrock_function | Class of Rosenbrock function in 3 dimensions |
Cshekel_function | Class of Shekel function in 4 dimensions |
Csingle_variate_multi_optima_function | Class of functions of single-variate optimization problems with multiple local optima |
Cvibrated_quadratic_function | Quadratic function with vibration for test of optimization |
►Nregularization | Namespace of regularization |
►Nimpl | Namespace of implementations |
Cdense_diff_matrix_functor | Helper class to create a dense differential matrix |
Cblur_sine | Class of problem of blurred sine function |
►Nroots | Namespace of root-finding problems |
Ccubic_root_test_function | Class of test function to calculate cubic root of a number |
Cdouble_cubic_test_function | Class of test function with two cubic functions |
▼Nstd | STL namespace |
Chash< num_collect::logging::impl::log_tag_element > | Specialization of std::hash for num_collect::logging::impl::log_tag_element |
Chash< num_collect::opt::impl::ternary_vector > | Implementation of std::hash for num_collect::opt::impl::ternary_vector |